Plans and Pricing

This service is available for paid plans only.


Open All websites
(468M+ pages now)
100 searches/day
up to 100K rows

$109/month or $1090/year

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Open All websites
(468M+ pages now)
200 searches/day
up to 300K rows

$199/month or $1990/year

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Open All websites
(468M+ pages now)
300 searches/day
up to 1M rows

$499/month or $4990/year

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Open webpages whole index whole index whole index
API access
Maximum search size (rows) 100 000 300 000 1 000 000
Searches / day 100 200 300
Max cluster size (rows) 100 000 300 000 1 000 000
Extract cluster (records / day) 100 000 300 000 1 000 000
Download with snippets (rows) 1 000 3 000 10 000
Download with snippets / day 30 50 100

Frequently Asked Questions

What forms of payment do you accept?
We currently accept Bitcoin and Litecoin.

Are prices shown in USD?
Yes. All plan prices are in USD.